Friday, March 29, 2013

Swarming robots could be the servants of the future

Mar. 28, 2013 ? Swarms of robots acting together to carry out jobs could provide new opportunities for humans to harness the power of machines.

Researchers in the Sheffield Centre for Robotics, jointly established by the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, have been working to program a group of 40 robots, and say the ability to control robot swarms could prove hugely beneficial in a range of contexts, from military to medical.

The researchers have demonstrated that the swarm can carry out simple fetching and carrying tasks, by grouping around an object and working together to push it across a surface.

The robots can also group themselves together into a single cluster after being scattered across a room, and organize themselves by order of priority.

Dr Roderich Gross, head of the Natural Robotics Lab, in the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield, says swarming robots could have important roles to play in the future of micromedicine, as 'nanobots' are developed for non-invasive treatment of humans. On a larger scale, they could play a part in military, or search and rescue operations, acting together in areas where it would be too dangerous or impractical for humans to go. In industry too, robot swarms could be put to use, improving manufacturing processes and workplace safety.

The programming that the University of Sheffield team has developed to control the robots is deceptively simple. For example, if the robots are being asked to group together, each robot only needs to be able to work out if there is another robot in front of it. If there is, it turns on the spot; if there isn't, it moves in a wider circle until it finds one.

Dr Gross said: "We are developing Artificial Intelligence to control robots in a variety of ways. The key is to work out what is the minimum amount of information needed by the robot to accomplish its task. That's important because it means the robot may not need any memory, and possibly not even a processing unit, so this technology could work for nanoscale robots, for example in medical applications."

This research is funded by a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant within the 7th European Community Framework Programme. Additional support has been provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.


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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Sheffield, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Comment: Appointment of Supreme Court bench a ... - Minivan News

On 7 August 2010, the two-year Constitutional period for transition and the setting up of first-ever democratic State ended without a Supreme Court, Chief Justice or Civil Service Commission in place. The Human Rights Commission, too, was up for reappointment.

The Judicial Service Commission continued, technically, with some members still being valid, but remained in suspension without leadership or full membership. ?The JSC Secretariat, which often carried out functions of the Commission as directed by the Chair, without knowledge or advice of the Commission, carried on as usual. It was fashioned upon the dissolved Ministry of Justice by the first Chair of JSC and former Minister of Justice, Seena Ahmed Zahir, and continued to handle- the Courts and administration of justice much like it did prior to the 2008 Constitution.

The Secretary General at JSC, Muna Mohamed, had resigned on 2 August 2010. Muna left after it became known that she had, at the urging of JSC Chair Mujthaz Fahmy and members Criminal Court Judge Abdulla Didi and MP (DRP) Dr. Afraashim Ali, altered records on Article 285 proceedings at JSC forwarded to the Parliamentary oversight Committee.

Interim Supreme Court, which was to be dissolved with the appointment of the first Supreme Court remained in office, with no Supreme Court yet appointed. The nomination of Ahmed Faiz Hussain for Chief Justice remained pending in parliament, the Speaker refusing to table the matter as a stand alone appointment, and parliament majority insisting on full bench being approved?en masse.

The President was insisting on parliament deciding numbers on bench for nominations to be made. The Judicial Service Commission embroiled in the battle against Article 285, had not had time to discuss names for the Supreme Court despite the topic being frequently raised by the judges on the Commission. The judges had names they wanted to forward to the President.

Did locking the Supreme Court prevent a coup?

On 7 August 2010, President Mohamed Nasheed ordered the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) to lock up the Supreme Court. At 6pm, they did. There was no Supreme Court appointed.

I do not know on what information or what basis President Nasheed acted, and I have my own opinion on what ensued, but still I would defend the the lock up of the Supreme Court on 7 August 2010 was a pre-emptive act; and, I have good reason to believe, it successfully prevented the final act of the silent coup, at least for then.

If ?intelligence? I had from the inside is correct, the Interim Supreme Court had drafted a ruling, and the plan was for the bench to convene that evening to declare themselves permanent by the power of their self-declared permanency earlier and by virtue of sitting on the bench at the end of the Constitutional two-year period. Concurrently, I was informed, the newly self-appointed Supreme Court would also declare President Nasheed unconstitutional for his failure to appoint the Supreme Court in the period provided. I cannot explain the reasoning, nor confirm the information as 100 percent accurate. I can only relate here the information I had from sources I found reliable. What I know for a fact is the Interim Supreme Court had been busy, lights often burning well into early hours of the morning.

As with the ?lock up? of Abdulla Mohamed in January 2012, no one probed?why the Supreme Court was locked up.

The Prosecutor General (PG), having listened to interim Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed appealed to the Civil Court to order MNDF/President Nasheed to unlock the Supreme Court. My request to meet the PG was swept aside with an ?I will call you.? It did not happen. We were too familiar with each other as former colleagues and friends. Despite my constant reminders that I spoke to him as a sitting JSC member, he could not see me as any other but his ?friend Vel?.

The sleeping Law Society, too, roused itself. The Secretary, Dheena Hussain, issued a public statement condemning the ?president?s interference in the Judiciary?. Dheena Hussain had worked on the Constitution drafting Committee and is noted as the translator of the Constitution (2008) from Dhivehi to English. What schocked me is the fact that neither Dheena nor Law Society President Shaheen Hameed, who had been a member of the Constitutional Assembly, spoke up on JSC?s politics and high treason or the loss of an Independent Judiciary. I had personally shared all related documentation forwarded to President Nasheed with the Law Society, which has since been dissolved. It was the only professional organization of lawyers in existence.

The country was tense.

The international community, as wary as it is of domestic politics, urged a peaceful resolution through political talks. The fact that the Maldives was in a Constitutional crisis without a domestic remedy given that it was the judiciary in question; it was the the Judicial Service Commission ?committing acts against the Constitution and State; and it was the parliament that stood accused of a cover-up, all went unobserved, or was deliberately ignored.

The pressure was on for a quick resolution, and President Nasheed was in a corner.

Appointing the Supreme Court

On the morning of 10 August 2010, I received an SMS from the President?s Office. President Nasheed wanted to meet the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) at a meeting to be held in his office at 1:00pm. On the agenda was the Supreme Court.

Parliament, meanwhile, was at work, adopting the Judges Bill and Judicature Bill which had been left out of agenda for months of political bickering. That morning, it had adopted a proposal by DRP member Abdul Raheem to grant a 7-year period for judges not meeting required educational qualifications to get their degrees.

I was the first to arrive for the meeting with President Nasheed. As I sat down in the waiting lounge, Speaker Abdulla Shahid, who also doubles as ex-officio member of the JSC under Constitution Article 158(a) walked in. Shahid tensed upon seeing me and protested against my ?naming him? in an interview to Minivan News. I responded I couldn?t help who is named. Shahid then announced to me that the amendment proposed to the Judges? Act by MP Abdul Raheem that morning was a proposal he made.

I did not comment. Both he and I knew it contradicted a Constitutional provision and was in fact a political move to alter the Constitution and manipulate the courts without changing a single letter of the constitution. The same?modus operandi, majority by any means (with the majority decision standing above Constitution) had effectively nullified Article 285. Article 8 on the supremacy of the constitution leaves no room for majority decisions. When objections were raised, the majority drowned it in the collective claim that democracy works on majority. Respect of constitution, due procedure and rule of law were all to be by majority agreement.

The Judicial Service Commission: Who were they?

By 1:00pm, all sitting JSC members except for member elected by the lower Courts, Judge Abdulla Didi of Criminal Court, had arrived.? Member appointed from the general public, Sheikh Shuaib Abdul Rahman was on leave, gone on Umrah.

Seat of JSC Member 158(i), the Attorney General, was vacant. Husnu Al-Suood resigned on 8 August 2010 immediately after the ?end of transition?. Media reported Suood saying he?d resigned to take responsibility for State?s failure to take responsibility.

I resigned? There are a lot pending matters. I believe that all state bodies have failed (to take their responsibilities). So I believe that at least someone should take the responsibility,? Suood said in an interview with Haveeru. ?Suood said he resigned to take responsibility of the constitutional void triggered after the transition period deadline.?

Seats of Member 158(b) from Supreme Court and 158(g) President of the Civil Service Commission were vacant following the dissolution of both those bodies with the end of the interim period on 7 August 2010.

It can be argued that the JSC as a legal body, did not exist on 10 August 2010 for the President to consult. Neither had the JSC discussed the Supreme Court prior to it going defunct on 7 August 2010.

The JSC was bereft of a Chair or Vice Chair when interim Supreme Court judge Mujthaaz Fahmy lost his seat on 7 August 2010. Mujthaz, the Vice Chair, took over as Chair after High Court Chief Judge Abdul Ghani was stripped of his JSC membership in the High Court mutiny of 21 January 2010. Mujthaz had refused to agenda elections until 11 March 2010 when he elected himself Chair and refused to elect anyone to the Vice Chair post he had just vacated. From 11 March 2010 till Mujthaz Fahmy was forced to depart on 7 August 2010, he remained Chair, and never allowed the appointment of a Vice Chair thaty would have allowed for the Commission to continue.

Meeting President Nasheed were six individual members of the Commission, giving the 50 plus 1 majority quorum required for a JSC sitting:

  1. Member? 158(a), Speaker Abdulla Shahid (DRP)
  2. Member 158(c), Judge Adam Mohamed Abdulla of the High Court of Maldives
  3. Member 158(d), Judge Abdulla Didi of the Criminal Court
  4. Member 158(e), MP Dr. Afraasheem Ali (DRP)
  5. Myself, Member 158(h) Aishath Velezinee, and
  6. Member 158(j), Lawyer Ahmed Rasheed.

President Nasheed chaired. No one except for the six members of the Judicial Service Commission, the President and his Secretary, Rugiyya Ahmed Didi (who was taking notes) was present in the closed meeting. Before us was a dossier prepared by the JSC earlier for the selection of the Chief Justice, listing 17 names and giving their curriculum vitae and other records.

A name for the Chief Justice had been been decided by President Nasheed following a similar exercise carried out earlier in July. President Nasheed had invited the JSC, and in a meeting chaired by himself consulted the JSC, asking members to inform if there was any reason any one whose name was on the list must not sit on the Supreme Court bench. Much was told by JSC members, each member drawing upon their long-time and in-depth knowledge of the individuals to relate stories and anecdotes. ?Then Attorney General Husnu Al-Suood who knew the interim Chief Judge Abdulla Saeed, as well as having had the long experience of working with the Courts as a lawyer, was adamant Abdulla Saeed was not to continue.

A significant difference between these two meetings, the first to nominate a Chief Justice and this one to nominate full Supreme Court bench was, that unlike on 10 August 2010, the JSC was then a functional body with an elected Chair. Further, JSC had had a preparatory meeting before meeting with the President when selecting a Chief Justice.

The nomination of Ahmed Faiz Hussain for the post of Chief Justice was submitted for Parliamentary approval before the 7 August 2010 deadline but remained unattended, neglected in a parliamentary tug of war.? The Speaker refused to agenda approval of the Chief Justice in isolation, and Parliament majority demanded names for the full bench before tabling the matter.

Naming mames

President Nasheed began the meeting of 10 August 2010, explaining the purpose of the meeting was to consult the JSC on the appointment of the Supreme Court and requested names. He then invited JSC members to speak.

Article 148(a) of the Constitution states:

The President as the Head of State shall appoint the Judges of the Supreme Court, after consulting the Judicial Service Commission and confirmation of the appointees by a majority of the members of the People?s Majlis present and voting.

This was the first step.

If I recall correctly, Member 158(c) Adam Mohamed Abdulla of the High Court was the first to speak. He declared his concerns about being in the sitting?when his name is discussed. ?I cannot sit when you?re discussing my name, he raised his concern noting? the meeting would lose quorum were he to leave the room. No one had yet mentioned any names.

MP Dr. Afraashim Ali protested at President Nasheed chairing the meeting, but only for the record, as the same protests had been made and dismissed earlier, on the day a nominee for Chief Justice was discussed.

Member 158(a), Speaker Abdulla Shahid intervened, and inquired of Chair President Nasheed if names proposed were to be limited to the list. President Nasheed responded in the negative, and repeated it was up to the Commission.

Abdulla Shahid, having given the opening to name names, nominated Muththasim Adnan for the Supreme Court. It was a name included in the dossier before us.

Member 158(e) MP Dr. Afraashim Ali immediately followed with a list of names he recommended, some outside the dossier. They? included Parliament Secretary General Ahmed Mohamed; Parliament Legal Counsel Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Didi;? Interim Supreme Court Justice and former JSC Chair Mujuthaz Fahmy;? self-declared Chief Justice, head of interim Supreme Court, Abdulla Saeed; ?High Court Justices Ali Hameed and Adam Mohamed Abdulla and other ?old friends?.? I do not recall today the full list of names he proposed.

Dr. Afraashim immediately added an apology for having proposed two names from Parliament, and gave his reasons for their nomination.

They are good people. I know them both very well. Because I am in Parliament, and work very closely, I am very familiar with both Usthaaz Ahmed Mohamed and Usthaaz Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Didi; very suitable people for Supreme Court.

Afraashim also gave eloquent speeches praising former JSC Chair and interim Supreme Court Justice Mujthaz Fahmy, and urged his nomination to the Supreme Court.

In my turn, I noted the task before us was to appoint the Supreme Court of the country, and that it was important to include a woman on the bench as the Supreme Court bench would sit for life, and appointment of another Supreme Court judge may not happen for the next 30 years.

Further, I objected to JSC members nominating friends, colleagues and acquaintances to the bench just because the member is familiar with them and knows them to be ?perfect for the Supreme Court?. None of us knew all eligible candidates for the Supreme Court. In my opinion, it was abuse of office to give an unfair advantage to our friends by naming them for Supreme Court. Many, more worthy candidates, may miss out just because none of us sitting JSC members know them personally.? Then, I raised my objections to some names floated.

Mujuthaz Fahmy did not have the educational qualifications nor the good character required. Further, the Anti Corruption Board had found him guilty of embezzling State funds in 1998. And there were other allegations against him pending investigation. Mujthaz Fahmy was not fit to sit Judge.

Abdulla Saeed, though having the required educational qualifications, had lost all moral authority to sit.? He made a public spectacle of himself and in an interview on DhiTV following the lock-up of interim Supreme Court on 7 August 2010. He publicly demonstrated then that he does not possess the good character required of a Judge.? We all watched him scream, plea, threaten and cajole, calling for the return of ?Supreme Court powers?.

Earlier in the year, Abdulla Saeed had taken advantage of political fighting between the parliament and executive to declare himself Chief Justice, and the interim Supreme Court the permanent bench. He abused trust and attempted to usurp for himself the constitutional powers vested in the president and parliament to appoint the Supreme Court. While this was a silent coup in itself, a betrayal of trust, and an attempt by trusted caretakers at the interim Supreme Court to take over the Supreme Court, neither the parliament nor president held the interim Supreme Court to account.

The JSC, headed then by interim Supreme Court Justice Mujthaz Fahmy, ignored and denied repeated requests to agenda the matter of interim Supreme Court?s self declared permanency in the Commission as a matter of serious breach and misconduct. Media reported on Interim Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed?s letter but failed to do follow-ups, allowing the matter to remain buried. Neither State nor the law community noted anything amiss.

I also stated that Ali Hameed and Adam Mohamed Abdulla of the High Court were signatories to the High Court declaration of 21 Jan 2010 and that their misconduct was pending investigation in the JSC. So was the complaint of misconduct against Abdul Ghani Mohamed, Chief Judge of the High Court, based on allegations publicly raised by three of the five High Court justices on 21 January 2010.

While at the meeting I received information, via SMS, that Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Didi did not meet the qualifications required of a Supreme Court judge. I raised the concern, and noted no one had checked Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Didi?s qualifications. I, a member JSC, had never seen even a CV of his.

President Nasheed himself spoke of Abdulla Saeed as unfit, giving good reason why he was not fit to sit judge.? Former Attorney General, Husnu Al-Suood had earlier, on the day of deciding a nominee for Chief Justice, shared till then unknown information and anecdotes on Abdulla Saeed?s character. This included information about how he divorced his wife in a rage one Ramazan for not having his shirt ironed and ready when he wanted. All of this was known fully to the President and the Commission.

The meeting ended on the dot, at 1:00pm, without further happening. It was a one-hour meeting and President Nasheed is excellent at time management. JSC never finishes a sitting in the allotted one hour, thirty minutes. Often, sitting time has to be extended before the Commission even reaches items on the agenda.

As we stood up and were taking leave, I heard Shahid request a word with President Nasheed. As I walked out of the room, I saw President Nasheed in the corner of the room, Shahid before him.

Parliament approves full bench without question

Rumour round town was that Parliament would reconvene at 2:00pm the same day to approve the Supreme Court. People waited in anticipation but nothing happened at 2pm. Parliament was delayed as committees worked and parties talked behind closed doors. After another delay at 4:00pm the Majlis finally sat that evening.

The list of nominees for the Supreme Court, when it was announced in Parliament, came personally as a shock to me. I had heard President Nasheed?s objections to Abdulla Saeed?s name, with good reason. It was very clear that Saeed was not fit to sit on the bench. Yet, his name was on the list. Also included were Ali Hameed and Adam Mohamed Abdulla, both with serious misconduct allegations uninvestigated at JSC.

In another unusual development, perhaps unprecedented in parliamentary history anywhere in the world, Parliament amended the Judges? Act just before the names were approved. The amendment specified that the 7-years experience required to qualify for a judge may include legal experience outside the Maldives, a redundant change as nothing elsewhere prevented the interpretation of the clause to include outside experience. Clearly, it was meant to mislead the public and cover the fact that Dr. Ahmed Abdulla Didi did not meet required experience.

The Supreme Court bench was approved without question or query. No one noticed anything amiss.

I observed it all closely, from my seat on the Judicial service Commission, said what I must, and kept silent. This wasn?t just the Judicial Service Commission in breach. The President, Parliament and the proposed bench for the Supreme Court were all violating the Constitution, all in the name of peace and national security. The international community, ignorant of the realities or not interested in domestic politics, were urging political negotiations, ignoring the fact that negotiations between unequal parties invariably turns out skewed. Not only was MDP (Maldivian Democratic Party) the minority? in Parliament, MDP itself did not have agreement within the Party leadership on executing the Constitution and building a democratic State. Individual MPs had their own notions and interests which preceded the Constitution, an independent Judiciary, or democratic government. Of utmost importance to certain influential MPs was control. Control information. Control dissent. Control judges. Control verdicts.

Of course, for some, it is nothing but madness to suggest the whole State is entangled in a web of deception. But that is the fact of the matter.? Maldives lost an independent judiciary, and with it the constitution and democratic government, by the failure of us all to watch the politics and respect the Constitution.

Not even President Nasheed?s own announcement that the Supreme Court is in fact a political deal is taken note of.? Still, even today, the goal is a political deal to reorganise the bench when it is very clear that there is no legitimate Supreme Court. The politicians, Party leaders and MPs are, understandably reluctant to own up to a deal gone bad. At stake, is the Constitution, democracy and justice the people of Maldives? stood up for.

Maldives must respect the Constitution and re-appoint the judiciary across all three tiers if it is to free the judges of suspicion and begin anew on the path of constitutional democracy.

All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to


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Monday, March 25, 2013

How to accept Game Center friend requests on iPhone and iPad

How to accept Game Center friend requests on iPhone and iPad

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you've got Game Center. Once you log in, you're ready to start playing games with other opponents. You can share your Game Center ID with others and receive invites to become friends. From there you can view each other's achievements and challenge each other to games. If you aren't sure how to accept a Game Center friend request, here's how.

While you can always accept friend requests as soon as they come in by tapping on the notification, you can also accept multiple invites at once or accept individual ones at your own liesure.

  1. Launch the Game Center app from the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on the Requests tab on the bottom right of the lower navigation menu.
  3. Here you'll see a list of all the people that are requesting to be friends with you.
  4. Either tap on individual names and tap the Accept or Ignore button or scroll down to the bottom and you'll see an Accept All and Ignore All button. Choose one of them.

That's it. The contacts will either be added to your Game Center friends list or rejected based on which option you chose.


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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

South Africa: Mandela discharged from hospital

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? Nelson Mandela left a hospital after "successful" medical tests and returned to his home in Johannesburg on Sunday, the spokesman for South Africa's president said.

The former president and anti-apartheid leader was admitted to a hospital in Pretoria, the capital, on Saturday.

"The doctors have completed the tests," presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj said in a statement. "He is well and as before, his health remains under the management of the medical team."

Maharaj appealed to the public and media to respect the privacy of 94-year-old Mandela and his family.

The African National Congress, South Africa's ruling party, had earlier released a statement saying it believed Mandela was in "capable and competent hands."

Mandela, who has become increasingly frail in recent years, was hospitalized for nearly three weeks in December. At that time, he was treated for a lung infection and had a surgical procedure to remove gallstones.

Under South Africa's white-minority apartheid regime, Mandela spent 27 years in prison before he was released in 1990. He became the nation's first democratically elected president in 1994 under the banner of the African National Congress. He served one five-year term before retiring.


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Monday, March 11, 2013

5 Twitter tips from 'super mayor' Cory Booker

Cory Booker! (Cue narrator of old "Superman" TV show.) He's hip! He's cool! He has more Twitter followers than God! Races into burning buildings! Rescues freezing dogs! More than a one-man department of city services, he's setting the bar for elected officials, exploiting the Internet for public good and personal political profit! And now he's got some pro tips for you and your little Twitter feed.

With more than 1.3 million followers, charismatic and social network savvy Newark mayor @CoryBooker has more Twitter acolytes than the population of the city he governs. At his presentation "The Media Politician" Sunday at South by Southwest Interactive in Austin, Booker recalled he agreed to give the 140-character outlet for communiqu?s a try for three months after tech-besotted actor Ashton Kutcher explained its importance. "I thought I was being punk'd," he said. But then he got a desperate tweet from a homeless Iraq War vet. He hooked up his constituent with the help he needed in a matter of seconds. His Honor was hooked.

He's a little surprised that other politicians haven't caught on to the power of social networking. They hopscotch from one event to the next, perhaps reaching 2000 people in a day, instead of hundreds of thousands in an instant. Booker is still taken aback that his tweeting serves as a role model for much bigger political players. "A mid-level mayor shouldn't be in this place," Booker mused.

Booker shared some lessons learned from his adventures as America's second-most-followed African-American politician (No. 1 lives in the White House), along with some rules he has learned to follow.

Rule No.1: "Do not erase a tweet ever."
Attempting to make a coffee-related joke following the revelation of South Carolina governor Mark Sanford's South American love trystback in 2009, the caffeine-addicted Booker said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail with a "hot Columbian blend."After a staffer deleted the post down the cyber memory hole, Booker caught flak. Better to stand by the brainfarts, he vowed.

Rule No. 2: "I always try to retweet my critics."
Not only does it give him points for authenticity and credibility, sending the mean things people say about you to your 1.3 million fans is, well, a little like throwing open the gates of trolling hell. Not that he gave that reason ? but when he mentioned this advice, there were knowing snickers in the audience.

Rule No. 3: Tweeting isn't extra. It's a priority.
"We are syndicators of information," Booker said, waving his arms around to indicate Everybody. "We are media outlets." So Booker doesn't so much as "find time" to tweet as he does it incessantly, to the point that some people wonder if he ever sleeps. Yet he still uses traditional channels, including Newark's version of New York City's 311 phone system, to reach older constituents.

Rule No. 4: "You never know the power of a random act of kindness."
Whether it's throwing open his own house to victims of superstorm Sandy (his power never went out) or showing up at a snowed-in citizen's house to personally shovel out the driveway ? and let's not even talk about the time Booker ran into a burning house! ? ground-level politics has never been as personal, or as effective.

Rule No. 5: "Change the discussion."
After Conan O'Brien joked that the best medical plan for Newark residents was a ticket outta town, the "hurt" mayor started a mock feud by publicly banning the carrot-topped late-night comic from EWR airport. Lots of back and forth later, Conan wound up shelling out a $100,000 donation to the Newark Now Foundation ? and Booker got warm-fuzzies from his beleaguered Newarkers for standing up for their city.

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitterand/or Facebook.


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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fierce brawl mars Canada's 10-3 win over Mexico

Canada's Jay Johnson, top left, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada's Jay Johnson, top left, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada's Tyson Gillies, right and Mexico's Alfredo Aceves fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada's Jay Johnson, right, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada's Jay Johnson, bottom right, and Mexico's Eduardo Arredondo fight during the ninth inning of a World Baseball Classic game as teammates try to break them up, Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Canada manager Ernie Whitt (12) and Mexico manager Rick Renteria greet each other before a World Baseball Classic game on Saturday, March 9, 2013, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

(AP) ? A little bunt single turned this WBC matchup into a World Boxing Classic.

Alfredo Aceves and several players threw nasty punches when a fierce, full-scale brawl broke out in the ninth inning Saturday of Canada's 10-3 romp over Mexico in the World Baseball Classic, a melee that also involved fans and set off skirmishes in the seats.

"Whoever says that we're just here as an extra spring training game or we're just here to say we represented our country and then go home obviously didn't see how intense that game was and what it means to everybody that was involved," Canadian slugger Justin Morneau said.

Multiple fights erupted after Canada's Rene Tosoni was hit in the back by a pitch from Arnold Leon with the score 9-3 at Chase Field, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks. It quickly turned into a wild scene, as chaotic as any on a major league field in recent years.

Even when the fisticuffs ended, Canadian pitching coach Denis Boucher was hit in the face by a full water bottle thrown from the crowd. Canada shortstop Cale Iorg angrily threw the bottle back into the crowd.

Several police officers came onto the field trying to restore order, and there were a few skirmishes in the decidedly pro-Mexico crowd of 19,581. Seven players were ejected after umpires huddled, trying to sort out the frenzy.

Canadian first base coach Larry Walker, a former NL MVP, said he held back Mexico star Adrian Gonzalez during the altercation. The solidly built Walker also tried to restrain Aceves.

"I had a hold of him and I thought I saw Satan in his eyes," Walker said.

There had already been several borderline plays on the bases when things got out of hand. A bunt hit by Chris Robinson heightened the tension ? a WBC tiebreaker relies heavily on runs and the Canadians wanted to score again in the ninth. Third baseman Luis Cruz fielded Robinson's bunt and seemed to tell Leon to hit the next batter.

Managers from both teams blamed the tiebreaking rule that uses run differential to determine what team moves on to the next round.

"It was just simply a misunderstanding," Mexico manager Rick Renteria said. "In a normal setting, a normal professional setting I should say, a 9-3 bunt in that particular fashion would be kind of out of the ordinary."

Right as the game resumed, someone in the crowd hurled a baseball that almost hit Walker in the head.

"That's when I went out to the umpire and I said, 'Another thing comes out, we're going to pull our team off the field," Canadian manager Ernie Whitt said.

The collision of WBC rules and the unwritten rules of the game led to the blowup, Renteria said.

"I think in just in the heat of the moment you lose sight of it," he said, "and maybe that's how it occurred."

Whitt said WBC officials need to look at the tiebreaking rule.

"There's got to be another method other than the scoring runs, running up the score on the opposing team," he said. "No one likes that. That's not the way baseball's supposed to be played. There's professionalism that we're all accustomed to here in North America. And unfortunately teams are knocked out of the tournament because other teams run up the score on them. Unfortunately that's what you have to deal with when you have that type of format."

Morneau, Gonzalez and Joey Votto were among the big-name, high-priced stars playing in the game. The fight was exactly the kind of thing that must have made major league managers and general managers cringe at the thought of one of their players getting hurt in such a fracas.

"There's a point you got to stand up for yourself," said Morneau, a former MVP with the Minnesota Twins. "We got hit for playing the game, and that happens, but at the same time you got to stand up for yourself. You can't just get pushed around."

"Obviously everyone wishes it didn't happen, but it happens in the game sometimes," he said. " I think we have all learned from being in the minor leagues that, especially in low-A ball, high-A ball, those things get real crazy. There's not as much security. It starts to get out of control pretty bad, and I think you learn from that, you learn to keep your head on a swivel."

Aceves was among four Mexican players thrown out ? the angry Boston reliever was tossed to the ground by Philadelphia minor league outfielder Tyson Gillies during the height of the fury, then rushed to rejoin the fray.

"I did it see it on video. I saw it afterward. I saw the altercation, yes," Red Sox manager John Farrell said after Saturday night's exhibition game against Baltimore in Fort Myers, Fla. "I think we all hope our players don't get injured when they go off to a tournament , especially in that type of melee."

As for Aceves, "it looks like he came out of it OK, with the exception of a couple of welts on his head," Farrell said. "We had a message from their trainer that he came out of it OK despite taking a couple of left hooks to the head."

Also ejected were Leon, Oliver Perez and Eduardo Arredondo of Mexico and Tosoni, Pete Orr and Jay Johnson of Canada. A statement from organizers said tape of the incident would be reviewed for possible disciplinary action.

All in all, it was far from the worldwide goodwill that is supposed to accompany this competition, where players exchange team hats with opponents before the start of each game as a sign of sportsmanship.

A day earlier on the same field, Mexico posted an emotional 5-2 over the United States in a game without incident. Canada, meanwhile, absorbed an embarrassing 14-4 loss to Italy.

Mexico finished its Pool D play at 1-2. Canada is 1-1 going into a game Sunday against the United States.

Whitt said he hoped any decision on suspensions would take into account that Mexico has finished its pool play, while Canada has a big game remaining.

Canada scored four times in the first inning, and Mexico cut the lead to 4-3 with two runs in the fourth.

Karim Garcia, Edgar Gonzalez and pinch hitter Sebastian Valle started the inning with singles. Garcia tried to score from second on Valle's single and was thrown out from center field by Gillies.

Robinson, the catcher, held on to the ball in a collision with Garcia down the third-base line. Garcia never did touch the plate.

Gil Velazquez followed with an RBI double and Arrendondo's sacrifice fly cut Canada's lead to one.

Robinson's hard slide into second broke up a potential double play and allowed a run to score in a two-run seventh inning that put the Canadians ahead 7-3.

Morneau, who had four hits and drove in three runs, doubled in a run, then Michael Saunders walked and Robinson was hit in the foot by a pitch. With one out, pinch hitter Jimmy Van Ostrand grounded to second.

But Robinson took the legs out from Velazquez at shortstop to prevent the relay throw and a run scored.

"'We want to play the game hard. We want to play it properly. You get an opportunity to help a team, help your teammates, by breaking up a double play or something, that's something we do," Robinson said.

All that led up to the ninth, with Mexico trailing badly and facing possible elimination despite the big win over the United States.

Robinson bunted because Canada wanted to widen the margin.

Two pitches came close to Tosoni and the next one hit him in the back. He dropped the bat and walked toward the mound.

When the players all rushed onto the field. Some just shoved, other threw wild haymakers. And just when it seemed things would calm down, more skirmishes ensued.

When the bottle was thrown from behind the Canadian dugout, one Canada player had to be restrained from going into the stands.

No player seemed to be hurt.

"I know the bodies kept moving everywhere but there was a lot more people holding people back than there was real action going on," Renteria said, "as is always the case."

As for his team, Whitt said, "You can't hurt Canadians."


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Saturday, March 9, 2013

New bacteria found in sealed in underground Antarctic lake

A new type of microbe has been found at a lake buried under Antarctica's thick ice, according to news reports. The find may unveil clues of the surrounding environment in the lake, according to scientists.

The bacteria, said to be only 86 percent similar to other types known to exist on Earth, was discovered in a water sample taken from Lake Vostok, which sits under more than 2 miles (3 kilometers) of Antarctic ice. The freshwater lake has likely been buried, unaltered, under the ice for the past million years.

Russian scientists reportedly obtained the water samples in 2012 when they drilled all the way down to the lake's surface. They ran the bacteria's composition through a global database and were not able to find anything similar to its type. Scientists couldn't even figure out the bacteria's descendents.

"After putting aside all possible elements of contamination, DNA was found that did not coincide with any of the well-known types in the global database," said Sergey Bulat, a geneticist at the Saint Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, in a quote attributed in media reports to RIA Novosti news service.

"We are calling this life form unclassified and unidentified," he added.

Understanding the environment

While the bacteria still needs to be confirmed, its potential is already drawing attention from other Antarctic scientists.

Life forms are shaped by the environment they live in, and often shape that environment in return. Finding out more about bacteria in Lake Vostok, therefore, will help researchers picture what living in the lake is like for these tiny microorganisms.

"The study of looking at the organisms and their environment is really the study of ecology," said Alison Murray, an associate research professor at the Desert Research Institute (an environmental research group based in Nevada) who also does Antarctic research herself.

"By learning more about the life forms that live in Vostok, that will probably teach us a bit about the lake itself," Murray told OurAmazingPlanet.

Murray, who is familiar with the Russian researchers' work, said the group is a "very careful team of scientists" who would have put the bacteria through several validity tests before releasing the news.

Understanding bacterial life on Earth is also considered a possible research direction for finding life on other planets, including Mars.

'If this is real, it is very exciting'

The 86 percent similarity figure, to Murray, is a plausible indicator that this could be a new type of bacteria. Since all Earthly life is related to each other in some way, anything below about 80 percent would draw concern, Murray added.

At least one other scientist, however, expressed caution about the finding, saying that more information is needed before drawing conclusions.

"If this is real, it is very exciting," Peter Doran, a microbiologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago, wrote in an e-mail to OurAmazingPlanet. He is a frequent visitor to the Arctic and Antarctica for his research.

"I would caution, though, that this type of 'press release' science is a little dangerous. It really needs to go through the rigor of peer review by other experts in the field before I'll jump on board," he said. "Having others looking at their methods and data will provide support for their conclusions."

Russian scientists successfully dug through to the buried lake again in January this year, retrieving more samples for later analysis.

Meanwhile, a British team had to call off their quest in December to dig to Lake Ellsworth, another Antarctic subglacial lake, after they encountered technical difficulties.

Follow Elizabeth Howell @howellspace. Follow OurAmazingPlanet @OAPlanet,Facebookand Google+.

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Paul Krugman: Markets Telling Us Washington's 'Prejudices' Are Wrong

The New York Times:

Four years ago, as a newly elected president began his efforts to rescue the economy and strengthen the social safety net, conservative economic pundits ? people who claimed to understand markets and know how to satisfy them ? warned of imminent financial disaster. Stocks, they declared, would plunge, while interest rates would soar.

Read the whole story at The New York Times

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Friday, March 8, 2013

RetroArch Emulates Nearly Every Classic Gaming Console On ...

Android has always been a great platform for emulating the classics, but multiple emulators were required to get the job done. Now you can download RetroArch and emulate nearly every classic console in a single app.

RetroArch emulates many systems. Here?s the full list:

  • PlayStation 1 (emulator: PCSX ReARMed)
  • Super Nintendo (emulator: SNES9x Next)
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (emulator: FCEUmm / NEStopia)
  • GameBoy / GameBoy colour (emulator: Gambatte)
  • GameBoy Advance (emulator: VBA Next)
  • Arcade (emulator: Final Burn Alpha)
  • Neo Geo Pocket colour (emulator: Mednafen NGP)
  • Virtual Boy (emulator: Mednafen VB)
  • Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (emulator: Genesis Plus GX)
  • Sega Master System/Sega Game Gear (emulator: Genesis Plus GX)
  • Sega CD / Mega CD (emulator: Genesis Plus GX)
  • PC Engine / PC Engine CD (emulator: Mednafen PCE Fast)
  • WonderSwan colour / Crystal (emulator: Mednafen Wonderswan)
  • Cave Story (game engine: NX Engine)
  • Doom 1 / Doom 2 / Ultimate Doom / Final Doom (game engine: prBoom)

Like most emulators, RetroArch features on-screen controls for touch-based play. It also includes support for several USB and Bluetooth gamepads (like the iCade). RetroArch uses your GPU for maximum performance, you can customise the touchscreen overlays, the emulation cores are expandable (you can even add your own), and it?s completely free (no cost, no ads).

If you?ve wanted to turn your Android smartphone or tablet into a retro gaming device, this is the emulator to get.

RetroArch (free) [Google Play]


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Thursday, March 7, 2013

UN says 20 peacekeepers detained on Golan Heights

UNITED NATIONS (AP) ? The United Nations says about 20 peacekeepers in the force charged with monitoring the cease-fire between Israel and Syrian troops on the Golan Heights have been detained by approximately 30 armed fighters.

U.N. deputy spokesman Eduardo del Buey says the U.N. observers were on a regular supply mission Wednesday when they were stopped near an observation post which sustained damage and was evacuated last weekend following heavy combat.

He said the U.N. peacekeeping mission has dispatched a team to assess the situation and attempt a resolution.


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Lion kills person at private animal sanctuary

DUNLAP, Calif. (AP) ? A lion killed a person on Wednesday at a private wild animal sanctuary in Central California, authorities said.

The person was attacked and fatally injured after getting into a cage with the lion at Cat Haven sanctuary in Dunlap, Calif., Cal Fire spokesman Ryan Michaels told The Associated Press.

The facility, which is licensed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, is about 45 miles east of Fresno in the Sierra Nevada foothills.

Michaels suspects the lion was put down because law enforcement officers at the scene fired shots, and the Fresno County sheriff's office said on the radio that the animal had been secured.

Cat Haven is a private sanctuary and 100-acre wild animal park just west of Kings Canyon National Park. Since the property opened in 1993, it has housed numerous big cats, including tigers, leopards and other exotic species.

Another big cat sanctuary, Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, Fla., told the AP last year that at least 21 people, including five children, have been killed and 246 mauled by exotic cats since 1990. Over that period, 254 cats escaped and 143 were killed.


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Elaine Gavalas: 3 Yoga Nidra Health Benefits

The National Sleep Foundation reports that more than 50 percent of American adults suffer from symptoms of insomnia a few nights a week or more. Sleep experts recommend that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep a night for good health, yet many get considerably less. Inadequate sleep is associated with chronic health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer.

The ancient practice of yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a meditative practice that results in conscious deep sleep. Current research suggests that yoga nidra can help relieve menstrual problems, diabetes symptoms and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In honor of National Sleep Awareness Week in March, here's three health benefits of yoga nidra.

Yoga Nidra Improves Menstrual Problems

A 2012 study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology reports yoga nidra may improve blood pressure and heart rate variables in patients with menstrual problems.

Researchers at the Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Medical University in India administered either a yoga nidra program or no yoga (control group) to 150 women with menstrual disturbances.

The yoga group participated in yoga nidra practice for 30 to 40 minutes daily, five days per week for six months. Autonomic testing was obtained from the participants before and after the study.

The researchers found that blood pressure, postural hypotension, sustained hand grip and heart rate variables were significantly improved in the yoga group.

Yoga Nidra May Promote Diabetes Management

A recent study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology found yoga nidra may reduce the symptoms of diabetes and help control blood glucose levels.

Researchers at S.S. Medical College in India administered either a yoga nidra program and oral hypoglycemic drugs or oral hypoglycemic drugs alone to 41 Type 2 diabetics for 90 days.

The yoga group participated in yoga nidra practice for 30 minutes daily. Blood tests were obtained from the participants every 30 days.

The researchers found that the yoga plus hypoglycemic drugs group had improved diabetes symptoms compared to the drug-only group. Furthermore, blood glucose levels were significantly improved in the yoga group.

Yoga Nidra May Help Relieve PTSD Symptoms

A pilot study conducted at Walter Reed Army Medical Center reports yoga nidra may help relieve PTSD symptoms in soldiers returning home from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Researchers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. administered 18 sessions of the Integrative Restoration (iREST) program to seven Iraq and Afghanistan war vets with PTSD for nine weeks. Tests assessing emotional responses and daily journals were obtained from the participants.

The Integrative Restoration (iREST) program was created by Dr. Richard Miller, a clinical psychologist, co-founder of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and past president of the Institute for Spirituality and Psychology.

The researchers found that PTSD symptoms -- including anxiety -- decreased and feelings of being in control increased among the participants, all of whom attended yoga nidra classes in addition to receiving their usual treatment for PTSD for the duration of the study. There was no control group.

Information about yoga nidra can be found at organizations such as Integrative Restoration Institute.

To learn more about yoga for sleep problems, download a free sample from Elaine Gavalas' book, The Yoga Minibook for Stress Relief.

You can buy Elaine Gavalas' books here.

Elaine Gavalas is an exercise physiologist, yoga therapist, weight management specialist, nutritionist and healthy recipe developer.

Follow Elaine Gavalas





For more by Elaine Gavalas, click here.

For more on yoga, click here.




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Monday, March 4, 2013

Rodman: Kim Jong Un wants Obama to 'call him'

In his first interview since returning to the U.S. from an unprecedented visit to North Korea last week, former NBA star Dennis Rodman said he bears a message for President Obama from the country's oppressive leader, Kim Jong Un.

"He wants Obama to do one thing: Call him," Rodman told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week." "He said, 'If you can, Dennis - I don't want [to] do war. I don't want to do war.' He said that to me."

The athlete also offered Kim some diplomatic advice for potential future talks with President Obama.

"[Kim] loves basketball. And I said the same thing, I said, 'Obama loves basketball.' Let's start there," Rodman said.

Rodman's comments come just days after the basketball star shocked the world with an unexpected trip to Pyongyang, North Korea, becoming the first known American to publicly meet with the mysterious Kim since he assumed command of the totalitarian nation after the death of his father, Kim Jong-Il in 2011.

The young leader has defied U.N. sanctions by continuing to develop North Korea's nuclear arms and missile program, which he says is aimed at the U.S.

Kim is often regarded as one of the world's most oppressive leaders, presiding over prison camps and allowing millions of his own people to starve.

Rodman likely now has more firsthand impressions of Kim than any other American. He offered some insight to Kim's personality this morning.

"He loves power. He loves control," Rodman said, of his new "friend." "But guess what? He doesn't want war. That's one thing he doesn't want."

PHOTOS: Kim Jong Un Through the Years

In a bizarre display of basketball diplomacy, Rodman went on the record to offer highest praise for Kim Thursday, telling reporters, "I love him. He's awesome." Today on "This Week," Rodman didn't backtrack on those comments.

"No, I'm not apologiz[ing] for him," Rodman said. "You know, he's a good guy to me. Guess what? He's my friend. I don't condone what he does ? [but] as a person to person - he's my friend."

PHOTOS: Dennis Rodman Goes to North Korea

Rodman traveled through Pyongyang with members of the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team and a camera crew from the upcoming HBO series, "VICE." Kim warmly welcomed the Americans, with an itinerary that included ice skating, an aquarium visit and a long dinner and drinks.

During his visit, Rodman sat court side with Kim as they took in an exhibition basketball face-off with the Globetrotters and North Korean players. Kim, like his late father, is said to be a devoted basketball fan - especially for the 1990's-era Chicago Bulls championship teams, which included Rodman. Rodman stood up to give a speech to the basketball crowd, at one point telling Kim, "You have a friend for life."

Rodman also raised eyebrows back home when he complimented Kim's infamous family legacy, adding, "his grandfather and his father were great leaders."

But when Stephanopoulous pressed him on "This Week," Rodman clarified those controversial remarks.

"What I saw in that country ? I saw people respect him and his family. That's what I mean about that," he said on "This Week." "They're great leaders there."

Rodman drew a distinction between Kim and his predecessors.

"The kid is only 28 years old. Twenty eight," he said. "He's not his dad. Not his grandpa. He's 28 years old."

Despite the unlikely pairing, Rodman said he has something in common with Kim and the North Korean people: a love of basketball.

"I'm not a politician. Kim Jung Un & North Korean people are basketball fans," he tweeted. "I love everyone. Period. End of story."

Dennis Rodman Through The Years

The U.S. State Department had no involvement in the visit, and officials say they have no plans to debrief Rodman after his meeting with one of the world's most mysterious leaders. Col. Steve Ganyard, USMC (Ret.), a former deputy assistant secretary of state and ABC News consultant, told ABC's Martha Raddatz the State Department's decision is "ridiculous."

"There is nobody at the CIA who can tell you more personally about Kim Jong Un than Dennis Rodman, and that in itself is scary," Ganyard said.

Rodman told Stephanopoulos there are more trips to North Korea in his future.

"I'm not like a diplomat," Rodman said. "I'm [going to] go back, do one thing and find out more, what's going on. Find out more."

Stephanopoulos offered Rodman the latest report from the Human Rights Watch, which outlines North Korea's "dire human rights record" under Kim, to share with him during their next visit.

Rodman accepted the report, adding, "don't hate me. Don't hate me. Guess what? Don't hate me."

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Two new genes linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and related disorders

Mar. 3, 2013 ? A study led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has discovered mutations in two genes that lead to the death of nerve cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and related degenerative diseases.

The same mutation occurred in both genes and led to the abnormal build-up of the proteins inside cells. These proteins play an essential role in normal RNA functioning and have also been linked to cancer, including the Ewing sarcoma, the second most common type of bone cancer in children and adolescents. The finding is the latest in a series of discoveries suggesting degenerative diseases and cancer may have common origins. RNA is the molecule that directs protein assembly based on instructions carried in DNA.

The study also adds to evidence that seemingly unrelated neurodegenerative diseases may involve similar defects in RNA metabolism. Researchers linked the problems to a specific region of the mutated proteins whose normal function was unclear. The study was published today in the advanced online edition of the scientific journal Nature.

"I hope this study helps to build the foundation for desperately needed treatments for ALS and perhaps a broad range of diseases caused by abnormal RNA metabolism," said J. Paul Taylor, M.D., Ph.D., an associate member of the St. Jude Department of Developmental Neurobiology and senior author of the study. Taylor and James Shorter, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the biochemistry and biophysics department at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, are the study's corresponding authors.

Each year approximately 5,600 people in the U.S. are found to have ALS. The disease is nearly always fatal, often within five years. Patients suffer muscle wasting and paralysis that affects their limbs and trunk as well as their ability to talk, swallow and breathe. There is no cure.

For this project, St. Jude sequenced just the portion of the genome called the exome, which carries instructions for making proteins. Researchers sequenced the exomes of two families affected by rare inherited degenerative disorders that target cells in the muscle, bone and brain. Neither family carried mutations previously tied to ALS or related diseases. The project built on the infrastructure developed by the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital -- Washington University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project, which played an important role in finding the mutations.

Researchers found the families carried a single, previously unknown mutation in a pair of RNA-binding proteins named hnRNPA2B1 and hnRNPA1. The proteins both bind RNA and help regulate its function. When researchers checked for the same mutations in 517 ALS patients they found hnRNPA1 protein mutated in two patients. One patient had the inherited form of ALS. The other ALS patient had no family history of the disease.

The new mutations occurred in a region of the proteins Taylor refers to as a prion-like domain because it has similarities with yeast proteins called prions. Prions are proteins that can alternate between shapes as needed for different functions. "Until recently we did not know these domains existed in humans and now we realize that hundreds of human proteins have them," Taylor said. "We're only beginning to understand their function in human cells."

Researchers showed the prion-like domains are responsible for the shape change that occurs when these proteins convert into slender threads called fibrils. The mutations accelerate fibril formation and recruit normal proteins to form fibrils. This phenomenon called propagation may explain how ALS and related diseases spread throughout the nervous system.

Taylor speculated that the normal function of prion-like domains is to assemble RNAs into temporary structures called granules, which are part of the cell's normal protein production machinery. Granules are normally short lived, and the RNA-binding proteins involved in their formation are recycled. But in cells with hnRNPA2B1 or hnRNPA1 mutation, RNA granules accumulated in the cytoplasm instead of being disassembled. "That's bad news for RNA regulation, which is bad news for those cells," Taylor said.

The study has several important implications, Taylor said. Recognition that the mutations adversely impact regulation of RNA could lead to targeted therapy to correct the problem. The mutation's location in the prion-like domain might also prove significant. Although the mutations in hnRNPA2B1 or hnRNPA1 appear to be rare, hundreds of other RNA-binding proteins have prion-like domains. Taylor said patients with unexplained neurodegenerative diseases may have mutations in these proteins.

The study's first authors are Hong Joo Kim, Nam Chul Kim, Yong-Dong Wang and Jennifer Moore, all of St. Jude; and Emily Scarborough and Zamia Diaz, both of the University of Pennsylvania. The other authors are Kyle MacLea and Eric Ross, both of Colorado State University; Brian Freibaum, Songqing Li, Amandine Molliex, Anderson Kanagaraj and Robert Carter, all of St. Jude; Kevin Boylan, Aleksandra Wojtas and Rosa Rademakers, all of the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Fla.; Jack Pinkus and Steven Greenberg, both of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School; John Trojanowski, Bradley Smith, Yun Li and Alice Flynn Ford, all of the University of Pennsylvania; Bryan Traynor, of the National Institute of Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.; Simon Topp, Athina-Soragia Gkazi, Jack Miller and Christopher Shaw, all of the Institute of Psychiatry, London; Michael Kottlors and Janbernd Kirschner, both of University Children's Hospital Freiburg, Germany; Alan Pestronk and Conrad Weihl, both of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis; Aaron Gitler, Stanford University School of Medicine; Michael Benatar, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Oliver King, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, Mass.; and Virginia Kimonis, University of California-Irvine.

The research was supported in part by the Packard Foundation, by grants (NS053825, AG032953, DP2OD002177 and NS067354) from the National Institutes of Health, the ALS Association, the Ellison Medical Foundation, a grant (MCB-1023771) from the National Science Foundation and ALSAC.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Hong Joo Kim, Nam Chul Kim, Yong-Dong Wang, Emily A. Scarborough, Jennifer Moore, Zamia Diaz, Kyle S. MacLea, Brian Freibaum, Songqing Li, Amandine Molliex, Anderson P. Kanagaraj, Robert Carter, Kevin B. Boylan, Aleksandra M. Wojtas, Rosa Rademakers, Jack L. Pinkus, Steven A. Greenberg, John Q. Trojanowski, Bryan J. Traynor, Bradley N. Smith, Simon Topp, Athina-Soragia Gkazi, Jack Miller, Christopher E. Shaw, Michael Kottlors, Janbernd Kirschner, Alan Pestronk, Yun R. Li, Alice Flynn Ford, Aaron D. Gitler, Michael Benatar, Oliver D. King, Virginia E. Kimonis, Eric D. Ross, Conrad C. Weihl, James Shorter, J. Paul Taylor. Mutations in prion-like domains in hnRNPA2B1 and hnRNPA1 cause multisystem proteinopathy and ALS. Nature, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nature11922

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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