Friday, April 5, 2013

The linkdown: A stylish dude, an icon(ic) bag and 'Haiku-ization'

By Rob Walker

As the work-week winds down and your colleagues clump around the water cooler to yap about the season premier of ?Mad Men,? ignore them! Check out this stuff instead. More fun.

The BuzzFeed-ication of Mainstream Media: NPR presents ?67 Years of Potato Chip Innovation, In 5 Animated GIFs.? Well, why not?

The Haiku-ization of Mainstream Media: ?Whimsy is not a quality we usually associate with computer programs,? announces Times Haiku, which is ?a Tumblr blog of haikus found within The New York Times.?? I think haiku is overrated, but I feel obliged to pass this on at least in part because it?s a project created by an actual Times person (not some smart-aleck third-party code genius) and whimsy is not a quality we usually associate with the Times. Via PSFK.

So Much Better than Sartorialist: A photo blog about the stylish outfits worn by one 83-year-old guy in Berlin: What Ali Wore. Via Peta Pixel.

Pong, 29 Stories High: Need I say more? Explanatory video here featuring the Drexel University prof who made it happen?finally academia produces something worthwhile! Via BoingBoing.

Product of the Week: Story Tape evidently started out as an April Fools? gag ? blank measuring tape, haw. Then it sank in that, actually, it could be useful, in surprising ways: documenting a child?s growth, for instance. Via Cool Tools.

Other Product of the Week: Handbag that looks like an envelope icon. Via Bem Legaus.

Images of the Week: Fascinating street art by Felice Varini, whose meticulous multi-building murals only make sense from a specific angle. When documented, they look like manipulated pictures. ?Life imitates Photoshop,? as a friend of mine once said.

Easy: Do It: I?ve often argued that much of the best stuff on YouTube is decades-old material that has somehow found its way, super-belatedly, online. A case in point: The short (delightfully weird) film ?The Discipline of DE? (or ?do easy?), by Gus Van Sant, based on a William Burroughs story. Includes the ultimate discipline??doing nothing??and asks the ultimate question: ?How fast can you take your time?? Via Lucian James.

Dear Boss: I think it?s important for my readers that I conduct extensive testing of Goldbely, which promises to deliver Texas barbecue, New York pastrami sandwiches, New Orleans beignets, and other regional food highlights to my door. This will be an extensive reporting project, and may require substantial expenses. Worth it. Via Mashable.

Um: I don?t really know the story behind this monument keyboard, but ? it?s something!


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