Wednesday, July 31, 2013

'Best Practices?': Mississippi, Alabama Ask Canada for Tar Sands Advice

Mississippi and Alabama hope to follow in Alberta's footsteps in their development of tar sands oil. (Photo: Visionshare/ Flickr)The governors of Mississippi and Alabama have forged an agreement to explore the development of tar sands mining within their states, revealing their desire to follow Alberta, Canada's example as they hope to bring exploitation of the "dirtiest fuel" on the planet to the US south.

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant and Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley announced Saturday the signing of a "memorandum of understanding" to commission the assessment of tar sands resources in an area known as the Hartselle Sandstone, which stretches from north-central and northwest Alabama into northeastern Mississippi.

Studies of the region estimate 7.5 billion barrels of oil are located in the reserves.

The governors say they will be looking to Canada for guidance on "best practices" regarding tar sands extraction, despite the legacy of toxic wastewater lakes and massive mining scars left behind in Alberta's Athabasca River region.

The southern states follow Utah in the growing domestic call for tar sands exploration.

To further illustrate the growing dominance of the oil industry in the region, Mississippi's Sun Herald reports that Gov. Bryant also raised the issue of a 41-mile pipeline to be completed by the end of the year, which will run from Semmes, Ala., to a Chevron Refinery in Pascagoula, Miss.

According to the US Army Corps of Engineers?which issued the permit in September?the pipeline will run through 145 acres of wetlands, cross 33 streams including Black Creek and Little Black Creek and the Escatawpa River.

"The pipeline company Plains Southcap met the requirements for a nationwide permit that allows it to expedite permitting and bypass public notifications concerning wetlands," the Sun Herald reports.


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Jello Shots Take A Weird Turn In Japan

Jello shots used to be all the rage. No party was complete without a tray of little plastic shot cups filled with multicolor alcoholic gel.

Well, leave it to some company in Japan to put a new erotic twist on an old idea: The Love Shot?

jello shot

The advertising instructs users to open both ends of the tube, then one person gently blows the goo into the other person?s mouth. Yum, yum.

Learn more:

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Tags: alcohol, booze, drunk, gelatin


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'Hobbit' sequels wrap up filming in New Zealand

SYDNEY (AP) ? Peter Jackson has wrapped up filming "The Hobbit" trilogy and shared pictures of his last day on the set with his Facebook fans.

The New Zealand filmmaker provided a steady stream of updates and photos from the set of the final film, "The Hobbit: There And Back Again," on Friday. The second film, "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," will be released in December, and the finale appears in 2014.

The director posted pictures of dwarves, crew members and actor Martin Freeman, who plays the protagonist, hobbit Bilbo Baggins. The photo updates began and ended with pictures of Jackson's cat, Mr. Smudge. The final photo shows the director and feline cuddling, along with the caption: "A long day. A great day. Thank you all for being part of it! Now for some sleep!"

"The Hobbit," based on J.R.R. Tolkien's novel of the same name, is the prequel to Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." It follows Baggins' adventures as he tries to help a group of dwarves regain their wealth and stature from the dragon Smaug.

The first film in the trilogy, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," opened in December 2012 and surpassed $1 billion in box-office receipts worldwide.


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East Cleveland Mayor will honor police officers involved in arrest of serial killer


On Monday, July 29, at 6:30 p.m., East Cleveland Mayor Gary Norton will host a town hall meeting to introduce and recognize the East Cleveland police officers and detectives whose outstanding work under tragic circumstances led to the capture of an alleged serial killer.

Michael Madison, 35, has been charged with the murders of Shirellda H. Terry, 18, Angela H. Deskins, 38, and Shetisha D. Sheeley, 28. Terry's body was found in a garage at Hayden and Shaw in East Cleveland on July 19 and the bodies of Deskins and Sheeley were found at an abandoned house in the same area on July 20.

Madison faces kidnapping and aggravated murder charges and is being held on a $6M bond at the Cuyahoga County Justice Center.

Mayor Norton invites residents to attend and extend personal words of encouragement and thanks to our men and women of law enforcement for their hard work and dedication during this challenging time for our community.

Refreshments will be provided.

Town hall meeting will be held:

Monday, July 29, 2013

6:30 p.m.

Helen S. Brown Senior Center

16200 Euclid Avenue,? East Cleveland (intersection of Euclid and Nela)

Copyright 2013 WOIO. All rights reserved.


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    Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    ?Martha?s Motel? Auxilliary at Dartmouth College? A missive from the past: ?Records Reveal Possible Voter Fraud?

    From the files of CNHT ? the organization that has been laboring in the vineyard of Voter Fraud for decades as it has been toiling on behalf of local taxpayer organizations all of over the State of NH.??? For those that say that there is no voter fraud, here is a report from Dartmouth back in 2003 leading to the conclusion that political operatives have indeed been driving truckloads of ?mobile domiciled? students through the large loopholes in NH Election Law. Voter Fraud did not start with the embarrassment of our Election officials by the Project Veritas crew ? they only shined a large flashlight on it.

    Once again I posit it ? have both Democrat and Republican Elites colluded to sweep this under the rug when running the Secretary of State or Attorney General to protect NH?s status of the First In The Nation Primary State?? Rule #1 in politics ? get the bad news out quickly and Rule #2 ? fix it.? Rule #1 has been avoided and certainly the Dems have been trying to keep Rule #2 from being implemented. While we have been concentrating on those that have not complied with the intent of ?domicile? law here in NH, here is another perspective.

    Below ? emphasis mine.


    Records Reveal Possible Voter Fraud

    Wednesday, February 5, 2003

    by Michael Ellis

    After the 2000 election, close to two hundred students at Marquette University in Wisconsin admitted to voting multiple times in a survey by the campus newspaper. In St. Louis, Missouri, there are more people registered to vote in the city than there are residents, by a margin of thousands. On college campuses, the danger of illegal voting is real, given that students living on campus can easily claim and show proof of two residences. With the absence of a national database of voters, fraud can cross state lines, as out-of-state students register and vote by absentee in their home states and in person in their adopted states, with no one the wiser. Committing such a crime in New Hampshire would be relatively easy to do, given the state?s policy of allowing new voters to register on the day of the election, instead of in advance as is customary elsewhere. While nothing so egregious as voting several times has yet been uncovered at Dartmouth, voter fraud of a less severe nature may have occurred in the past year?s elections.

    For New Hampshire, not only was a seat in the evenly-divided U.S. Senate at stake, but also the state?s governorship, and both seats in the U.S. House. With Senate control potentially hinging on the outcome here, both national parties flooded the Granite State with television and radio ads. Opinion polls leading up to Election Day showed the candidates essentially tied. After the polls closed, however, and the votes were counted, any semblance of closeness in the race disappeared. Sununu beat Shaheen by over 20,000 votes and Republicans swept every major statewide race. Hanover remains an anomaly in the statewide Republican trend. This past election, 4,364 votes were cast in the Town of Hanover, with 3,171 going to Jeanne Shaheen and 1,140 to John Sununu. This result came as no surprise; Hanover has gone solidly Democratic for years, and routinely is carried by Democratic candidates by a three to one margin. The explanation is doubtlessly the liberal influence of the College. If one were to judge by the sheer number of vocal Shaheen supporters found on campus preceding the election, it is quite easy to see how she carried Dartmouth by such a large margin. They stationed themselves throughout campus?in Collis, the Hopkins Center, and Thayer Dining Hall ? urging students to vote with the implicit understanding that they would cast their ballots for Shaheen. Vans driven by Shaheen volunteers and adorned with Shaheen signs transported voters to polling stations. Upon arriving there, students were exposed to another barrage of Shaheen campaign workers, and Shaheen signs adorned every feasible space.

    The Young Democrats? effort?while futile statewide?did succeed in bringing close to 900 Dartmouth undergraduates to the polls. Once inside the station, students faced long lines to vote. Christopher Galiardo 0 recalled waiting ?for between forty-five minutes and an hour? and some students remember waiting for as long as two hours. The wait was a result of the higher than expected turnout and the presence of large numbers of new voters. Most students took advantage of New Hampshire?s same-day registration law when they reached the polls, causing back-ups as they filled out forms and proved their residency. Alexander Kallis ?06, explained that presenting a Dartmouth ID card was sufficient proof of Hanover residence. Many Democratic students were outraged by the presence of Republican election lawyers at the poll site, challenging the residency of students and requiring them to sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury that they were indeed residents of the Town of Hanover, and, in doing so, renouncing residency in their ?home? states. Even the effort to ensure that everyone voting was a New Hampshire resident with a valid street address was not enough to prevent several instances of apparent voter fraud.

    Imagine that ? forcing students to follow the law caused ?outrage?.? Can we see a repeat of that in 2014? In 2016?? And of, btw, if our current Secretary of State or Attorney General refuse to properly and fairly execute the law, can we please replace them?

    The New Hampshire state law governing the eligibility of voters, Section 654: 1, declares that ?every inhabitant of the state, having a fixed and permanent established domicile, being a citizen of the United States, of the age ? shall have a right at any meeting or election, to vote in the town ? in which he is domiciled.? It sounds simple enough; only those who live in the Town of Hanover, are at least 18 years old, and are US. citizens are permitted to vote. From merely running the names of all those who voted through the Dartmouth Information Directory it is apparent that illegal, or, at the very least, suspect activity did indeed take place in the past election.

    The most stunning case is that of Eric G. Bussey ?01. Bussey registered on Election Day in 2000, at which time he lived in New Hampshire Hall and was eligible to vote. Now, however, his DID entry, which was updated in October 2002, lists his residence as ?35 French Farm Road, Norwich, Vermont.? By taking advantage of his past residency in New Hampshire, it appears that Eric was able to vote in Hanover despite the fact that he is ?domiciled? in Vermont, a violation of New Hampshire election law. Since it seems that Bussey voted while ineligible to do so, he would also appear to have perjured himself. Perjury, as defined by Section 641 of the New Hampshire criminal code, can be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or a Class B felony, subject to punishment of up to seven years in jail. Calls to Bussey?s home in Vermont to seek a comment from him went unanswered, as his phone was disconnected.

    While Eric Bussey is the most appalling instance of potential voting fraud that took place, several other individuals also seemed to have presented less than compelling grounds for eligibility. Robert S. Cushman, who appears to be unaffiliated with the College, and Miguel M. Licona ?03, both listed their permanent addresses as the ?Ledyard Canoe Club.? Calls to the Ledyard Canoe Club to seek confirmation of their residence were not answered. Attempts to contact Licona at his home phone number were equally unsuccessful. Even if these two individuals do, for some bizarre reason, live at the Canoe Club, it is surely not a year-round residence, as the Club is closed in the winter.

    Also striking is the case of Kathleen Catapano ?99, a graduate student in the Environmental Studies Program, who listed her residence as ?6182 Steele Hall.? Steele is a chemistry building that contains classrooms, labs, and offices, but absolutely no residences. Calls to Catapano?s residence were also unanswered. She should not have been permitted to vote by giving a home address that does not exist.

    Perhaps more bizarre are the addresses listed by Lisa E. Danzig, Stephen A. Noel, and William M. Robb, of the Tuck Business School, and Robert A. Cushman III ?03, and Matthew J. Slaine ?06. Their home addresses are simply marked as ?X? on the official spreadsheet of those who voted in the election. Sallie Johnson, the Town Clerk of Hanover, explained these discrepancies as the product of the day?s long lines. Instead of giving a street address as requested, these individuals may have given a mailing address that did not function as a street address, such as a Hinman or P.O. Box number. While these individuals should have been prevented from voting, Johnson noted that ?a few did? slip through?.

    After election day, election supervisors were to contact these individuals to determine their actual street address, and if it was an address outside of Hanover, their names would be purged from the voter rolls. Even so, they still cast ballots without offering proof of residency. It is quite possible that one or more of those five individuals residing at ?X? were not eligible to vote in Hanover. The only one of the five reached for comment, Robert A. Cushman, recalled that he indeed wrote his home address of 15 Downing Road, not a Hinman Box, on the voter registration card and is has no idea why his address was listed as ?X?.

    While these ten voters, some of whom may have voted legally, were not enough to sway the election results, their actions may well be illegal nonetheless. A situation in which the race between Shaheen and Sununu was closer, and decided not by 20,000 voted but by a mere 20, can be easily imagined. Considering the Florida election debacle in 2000 or this past year?s Senate race in South Dakota, decided by a mere 527 votes, every vote must not only be counted, but also scrutinized for legality.

    Copyright ? 1996-2004 The Dartmouth Review


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    Monday, July 29, 2013

    Greek debt could be a good investment

    Greece is facing a financing gap of about 4 billion euros after July next year, according to the European Commission, and an even bigger one by the end of 2016 when the fiscal adjustment is supposed to be completed. Since it is not politically easy or perhaps feasible for some eurozone countries to ask their parliaments to approve fresh bailout funds for Athens, they should do something smarter. They should facilitate Greece?s access to the markets by signaling to the investment community that the country?s public debt has the characteristics of a perpetual bond, that is a bond with no maturity, resembling more equity than debt.

    European Commission estimates put Greece?s financing gap at 3.8 billion euros next year, largely resulting from the unwillingness of national central banks to roll over their Greek bonds, according to one official. The gap is expected to show up between August and December 2014. Greece and its international lenders have to decide how the gap will be filled in the fall to satisfy the International Monetary Fund?s demand that the adjustment program is fully funded on a 12-month forward basis, as we understand.

    Of course, the estimated gap may turn out to be bigger if Greece fails to meet the revised target for privatization receipts of 2.7 billion euros in 2014 and/or misses its budget deficit goal. On the other hand, it may turn out to be less than 3.8 billion euros if the country does better on privatizations and/or the fiscal front.

    Undoubtedly, the sum, whether it is around 4 billion euros or less, is too small to create any problems. One way out would be for the ECB to allow for an equal increase in the upper limit of the Greek treasury bill stock, mainly bought by local banks. The ECB allowed Greece to issue 4 billion euros more in T-bills last August, taking the stock to 19 billion from 15 billion at present, to pay for a maturing bond. The latter was mostly held by the ECB, according to market participants.

    Since next year?s financing gap is arising largely from the national central banks? unwillingness to roll over their Greek bonds, it is normal to expect the ECB to be part of the solution. Of course, a few billion euros may also be available from the 50 billion in funds earmarked for the resolution and recapitalization of Greek banks. But the available amount will not be known before their loan portfolios are stress-tested later this year and perhaps again in 2014. So, the amount from this source, if any, may be available at some point next year. It is also not impossible to think that lenders will demand some new austerity measures so that Greece partly contributes to filling the estimated financing gap next year.

    However, Greece will most likely face another funding gap in 2015-16 in addition to the 3.8 billion euros in 2014. The easiest way to fill any reasonable gaps without taking new austerity measures, asking for more politically sensitive bailout funds with conditionality attached from fellow eurozone countries and having the ECB involved is to obtain at least partial access to the financial markets.

    The governments of some eurozone countries may be skeptical at this prospect, thinking it gives a greater degree of freedom to Greek politicians, known for their free-wheeling spending habits, and eases the pressure for reforms. Even so, most or all of the reforms will be legislated and at least partially implemented by the time the last EU bailout tranche is paid. Moreover, the introduction of new austerity measures will be counterproductive in both economic and social terms after the barrage of tax hikes and spending cuts surpassing 30 percent of GDP since 2010.

    It is therefore in the best interest of the international lenders, the Greek government and the people that the country is self-funded well before the EU loans run out. From the eurozone?s perspective, it will be a success because it will be further proof the political project of the euro is alive and well while German and other taxpayers? fears of giving more loans to Greece and losing money will ease. From the Greek government?s point of view, it will be a sign of regaining national sovereignty which may be able to sell well in next year?s elections: Elections for the European Parliament and local authorities will be held next May while general elections cannot be ruled out.

    For Greece to obtain market access, both the government and the EU can help. The goal of the government should be to enable the country to seize market opportunities and borrow, like last May when the 10-year bond yield fell close to 8 percent. This means some procedures have to be revised so that the general framework for securities issuance and intervention become more flexible and responsive to changing market conditions. Also, the government should also do more technical work to increase the liquidity of Greek bonds and reduce the premium demanded by investors.

    On its part, the eurozone should honor its commitment to provide debt relief in the form of lower interest rates and other means as soon as Greece attains the agreed primary budget target. However, it is even more important the eurozone sends a clear signal to the markets that the Greek public debt is sustainable. Although the clear-cut method would be for the official sector to take a sizable haircut so that the debt-to-GDP ratio falls dramatically from more than 160 percent at present, this does not look probable and it is likely impossible for political reasons in the foreseeable future.

    So the eurozone should find another way to communicate to investors that Greek debt is a good investment opportunity. Further reducing the interest burden is a necessary condition but not sufficient. Perhaps extending the grace period of the loans to Greece so they look more like a perpetual bond ? that is a bond without maturity where the issuer does not have to redeem the principal ? may do it. Of course, Greece?s cost of funding will be expensive at first but this is a small price to pay on a few billion euros borrowed for the benefits to accrue in the future.


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    Sunday, July 28, 2013

    As college football season approaches, power conferences seek change

    Welcome to the season Urban Meyer, Mark Emmert and Johnny Manziel can't wait to get started.

    All three of these men, in some form or fashion, had issues with their snooze alarms.

    Oregon skips merrily into fall camp like a schoolchild after getting a probationary wrist slap only a few years after the NCAA sent USC to San Quentin for jaywalking.

    USC Coach Lane Kiffin is reportedly not on the hot seat despite what happened last year on the surface of the Sun Bowl.

    And get this: UCLA not only won its first NCAA baseball title with its brand of gutty-little-Bruins ball, but it also has been picked to finish ahead of USC in football for the first time since 2001.

    Can't wait for the new improved show: "Whose Town Is It Anyway?"

    Football was put on Earth because it is fantastically fun. But it has also loathsomely become a "Bonfire of the Vanities" of power, control, greed, money, access and more power.

    This is the 16th (and last) year of the tired Bowl Championship Series, as the sport dramatically transitions, recalibrates and uncomfortably squirms.

    While England rejoices over the birth of young Prince George, everyone here knows the Southeastern Conference is the king that lords over its subjects. The league has won seven straight national titles and will be favored to win its eighth.

    Commissioner Mike Slive, an avuncular guy who calls himself a "recovering lawyer," opened his SEC state of the union news conference with his usual "brag bag" of accomplishments.

    Bully (pulpit) for him.

    The operative word moving forward, though, is "change."

    Some of it has already been formally rubber-stamped.

    A four-team playoff is coming in two years but not until the Rose Bowl hosts its 100th game on Jan. 1 and the last BCS title game is played Jan. 6.

    Schools are switching leagues almost as fast as coaches are switching schools.

    The change gurgling below, though, is about the consolidation of power.

    Darwinism has already claimed Big East football and left five power leagues to distribute $5.6 billion over the next 12 years.

    The big boppers are the SEC, Big Ten, Pac-12, Atlantic Coast Conference and Big 12, which have severely separated themselves from "the Group of Five": Mountain West, Mid-American Conference, Sun Belt, Conference USA and the new American Athletic Conference.

    The Power Five controls about 75% of the new money and wants to use it to pay its scholarship student-athletes a "full cost of attendance" stipend ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 per year.

    It's a noble gesture and also a convenient power grab to further segregate from the working class.


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    Obama: In America, no war should ever be forgotten

    A group from the Paralyzed Veterans of Korea watch as President Barack Obama speaks on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, during remarks at a commemorative ceremony near the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, on Saturday, July 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

    A group from the Paralyzed Veterans of Korea watch as President Barack Obama speaks on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, during remarks at a commemorative ceremony near the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, on Saturday, July 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

    President Barack Obama attends a commemorative ceremony on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, near the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, on Saturday, July 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

    President Barack Obama speaks on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, during remarks at a commemorative ceremony near the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, on Saturday, July 27, 2013. Obama appealed to Americans to pause "in our hurried lives" and let these veterans "carry us back to the days of their youth and let us be awed by their shining deeds. Listen closely and hear their story of a generation." (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

    President Barack Obama walks with Special Envoy from the Republic of Korea Kim Jung Hun, right, during a commemorative ceremony at the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War, on the National Mall in Washington, on Saturday, July 27, 2013. Seen behind at right of the President is Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

    President Barack Obama, left, participates in a wreath laying ceremony on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War during at a commemorative ceremony at the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, on Saturday, July 27, 2013. At far right is Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? Six decades after the Korean War ended, President Barack Obama said Saturday that American veterans deserved a better homecoming from a war-weary nation and that their legacy is the 50 million people who live freely in a democratic South Korea.

    "Here in America, no war should ever be forgotten, and no veteran should ever be overlooked," he said in a speech at the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall, where ceremonies marked the 60th anniversary of the end of hostilities on the peninsula.

    Obama said the conflict didn't unite or divide the country the same way World War II or the Vietnam War did, respectively, and that U.S. veterans came home to neither parades nor protests because "there was, it seemed, a desire to forget, to move on" by Americans tired of battle.

    But they "deserved better," Obama said, adding that, on Saturday's anniversary, "perhaps the highest tribute we can offer our veterans of Korea is to do what should have been done the day you came home."

    He appealed for people to pause and let these veterans "carry us back to the days of their youth and let us be awed by their shining deeds." In the audience of several thousand on a sunny and humid morning were dozens of American and Korean veterans of the war. Obama asked them to stand and be recognized.

    The 1950-1953 war had North Korean and Chinese troops on one side against U.S.-led United Nations and South Korean forces. It ended on July 27, 1953, 60 years ago Saturday, with the signing of an armistice.

    A formal peace treaty was never signed, leaving the Korean Peninsula in a technical state of war and divided at the 38th parallel between its communist north and democratic south. More than 36,000 Americans were killed in the conflict. The U.S. still has 28,500 troops based in the south.

    Yet the costs of the war continue to mount even amid relative peace.

    Hostility remains between the two Koreas and between the North and the United States, which still has no formal diplomatic relations with the communist nation. That antagonism is rooted in the U.S. commitment to take a lead role in defending the South should war again break out on the peninsula.

    Washington also has tried for years to wean its ally off its dependence on the U.S. military, setting and then delaying target dates for switching from U.S. to Korean control of the forces that would defend the South against a possible new attack from the North.

    Another legacy is the challenge of accounting for the roughly 7,900 U.S. servicemen still listed as missing in action.

    Obama said the war is a reminder that a country's obligation to its fallen and their families endures long after battle. He pledged that the U.S. would not rest "until we give these families a full accounting of their loved ones."

    Obama also alluded to the Korean War sometimes being called the "forgotten war" and noted long-standing suggestions that it was fought for naught, summed up in the phrase "die for tie." He disputed that characterization, saying "today, we can say with confidence that war was no tie. Korea was a victory."

    When 50 million South Koreans live in freedom in stark contrast to the dire conditions endured by their countrymen in the North, "that's a victory. That's your legacy," he said.


    Follow Darlene Superville on Twitter:

    Associated Press


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    South Africa to see new BA A380

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]

    Source: --- Sunday, July 28, 2013
    British Airways will fly an Airbus A380 to South Africa from February next year. The Heathrow to Johannesburg superjumbo service will initially operate three times per week when it launches on February 12th. This will increase to six flights per week from March 10th. BA will also offer a five-times weekly service to Los Angeles from September 24th. The A380s have been configured to ... ...


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    Saturday, July 27, 2013

    Famous Surrealist Art Amazingly Reimagined with Super Mario Bros

    Famous Surrealist Art Amazingly Reimagined with Super Mario Bros

    Ren? Magritte's art is famous for tickling your brain, making you question and helping you dissolve the line of what's real and what matters. You can recognize Magritte's work and influence anywhere but can you imagine it as Super Mario Bros? The artist Racoonda has re-created paintings from Magritte by putting them in the world of Super Mario Bros. It's wonderful.



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    Merseyside and Indian police to investigate University of Liverpool student?s death

    Coroner calls for UK and India probes after Georgianna Thomsson?s body found in student room

    Police are investigating after a student from India was found hanged in her Liverpool student digs.

    Aspiring astronaut Georgianna Thomsson?s body was discovered in her room at Melville Grove, close to the University of Liverpool?s main campus.

    Detectives on Merseyside and in her home city of Chennai were today working to piece together more information surrounding the circumstances of her death.

    Georgianna, 18, an aerospace engineering student at the university, had not been seen for several days before her body was found on July 12.

    Yesterday, Liverpool coroner Andre Rebello said Georgianna had started missing lectures in February.

    He added: ?She was last seen on July 3 by a domestic supervisor.

    ?Her room was checked daily and although she was never seen after this date all Georgianna's possessions were still in the room as if she was still living there.

    ?On July 12,? the domestic supervisor returned to the room to see if she had left and on entering Georgianna was found hanging.?

    Mr Rebello said the death was not believed to have been criminally suspicious, but that investigations were ongoing.

    He added: ?There were various notes left within the accommodation. Some of those notes seemed to indicate intentional self-harm. However, there were other notes which led me to direct there be investigations not just here, but also in Chennai."

    Merseyside Police confirmed officers were working to respond to the coroner?s directions.

    Earlier this week, Georgianna?s dad, Seshiyan, said he had refused to accept the return of his daughter?s body for her funeral to take place until further investigations were carried out.

    Mr Thomsson, a policeman in Chennai, which was formerly known as Madras,? told the Indian press he was? not convinced his daughter?s death was the result of suicide, and demanded more information.

    A university spokeswoman said: ?We are extremely saddened by Georgianna?s death. Our thoughts are with her family and friends and we are doing our utmost to support them at this very difficult time.?


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    Thursday, July 25, 2013

    New health insurance markets: Not like Travelocity -

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? You may have heard that shopping for health insurance under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul will be like using Travelocity or Amazon.

    But many people will end up with something more mundane than online shopping, like a call to the help desk.

    Struggling with a deadline crunch, some states are delaying online tools that could make it easier for consumers to find the right plan when the markets go live on Oct. 1.

    Ahead of open enrollment for millions of uninsured Americans, the feds and the states are investing in massive call centers.

    "The description that this was going to be like Travelocity was a very simplistic way of looking at it," said Christine Ferguson, director of the Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange. "I never bought into it."

    "The bottom line is that with tight timelines ... states have had to scale back their initial ambitions for Day 1," said Paul Hencoski, leader of KPMG's government health practice, which is advising nearly 20 states. "A lot of the more sophisticated functionalities that might have been offered through the Web are being deferred to later phases."

    When the markets first open, Hencoski said, "there will be a significant amount of manual processing of things that will later be automated." Translation: emails, phone calls, faxes.

    The Obama administration, which will be running the markets or taking the lead in 35 states, has yet to demonstrate the technology platform that will help consumers get financial help with their premiums and pick a plan.

    Officials say they always envisioned people would be able to apply in a variety of ways, from online to the mail. About 7 million are expected to enroll in the marketplaces by next year, and the administration says consumers will be pleased with the experience.

    Also known as exchanges, the markets are supposed to transform the way individuals and small businesses buy private health insurance by increasing transparency and competition, bolstering government oversight of insurers, and injecting hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies.

    The experience will be more like buying a new car than snapping up airline tickets on Travelocity or electronics on Amazon.

    "Consumers see this as a serious product, and something that requires a serious amount of research," said Julie Bataille, overseeing the outreach effort at the federal Health and Human Services department. "It's something they see in a more serious way than (buying) an airline ticket."

    It's a complicated transaction with different components, including arranging financing and picking the right product, each with its own choices and trade-offs. You may need a glossary of health insurance terms.

    And there's another layer.

    One part of the process involves applying for federal benefits ? with consequences if you lie to the government, or maybe just make a mistake.

    Another involves using your federal subsidy to pick the right insurance plan from among competing carriers and four coverage levels: bronze, silver, gold or platinum.

    You'll log on to the marketplace in your state, or the federally run exchange, and set up a personal account. You'll enter information about yourself and your family, including Social Security numbers and household income. The exchange will shoot your data to something called the "federal data services hub," an electronic clearinghouse that pings Social Security, Homeland Security and the Internal Revenue Service to verify your personal details.

    The IRS will calculate the maximum health insurance subsidy that you're entitled to. It's set up as a tax credit, so the taxman can come back to collect if you claim too much. Discrepancies between the information you submit and what's in government records will take time to straighten out.

    Once you've got your subsidy nailed down, then you're ready to pick a plan. Once you do that, the U.S. Treasury will send your insurer a payment on your behalf, and you'll pay any difference. Coverage begins Jan 1.

    Experts say the technology to facilitate online shopping among health plans is difficult to engineer. Some online tools are getting pared back and the refusal of congressional Republicans to provide more implementation funds for "Obamacare" probably isn't helping. Some examples:

    ? The Rhode Island marketplace will postpone a feature that allows consumers to enter the names of their doctors and instantly find out what insurance plans they accept. Consumer advocates say such a tool is important to help winnow choices. Instead, shoppers will be steered to the doctor directories of individual plans. The federally run marketplaces will also lack "all-plan" doctor directories.

    ? The marketplace in Washington state is delaying its online-chat capability, as well mobile device features that would enable consumers to check their enrollment status. "These are some of the top items that we will focus on for the next version," said spokesman Michael Marchand.

    ? The Minnesota exchange is delaying a feature that would allow consumers to update their coverage to reflect life events such as the birth of a baby because that information won't be needed right when sign-up begins.

    ? It's unclear how sophisticated online calculators will be at helping consumers pick the best-value plan. For the federally run exchanges, officials said the calculator will automatically subtract the consumer's tax credit from plan premiums ? a help. But it won't provide an estimate of likely out-of-pocket costs that the plan doesn't cover, a feature consumer advocates say is closer to the true bottom line.

    State officials say things will improve as the new program takes root.

    With time, "it's going to get a lot more user friendly and effective," said Ferguson, the Rhode Island director. "Were there things I would have liked to see delivered on Oct. 1 that are going to be delayed? Yes. But is that something that I think is horrible? No."


    Associated Press writers Rachel LaCorte in Olympia, Wash., and Steve Karnowski in Minneapolis contributed to this report.


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    Friday, July 19, 2013

    Union Township may tweak rental rules

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    Union Township landlords soon might have a way to put more than three adults into rentals in some residential neighborhoods ? but it would take township approval.

    Outside of areas specifically zoned for student-type rentals, the township limits occupancy of rental units to three people. But Union Township?s recent foray into inspecting rental units uncovered a number of cases where more than three adults were sharing the same address.

    ?The rental inspectors were finding lots of occupancies of four or five people,? said township zoning administrator Woody Woodruff.

    Most had been like that for a long time and didn?t bother the neighbors. All but one got variances from the township?s zoning board of appeals to continue.

    ?We?ve had over-occupancies for 15 years,?Woodruff said. ?We?re doing the ordinance now because we have an enforcement mechanism.?

    The township?s planning commission is looking toward creating a system that would be based on the township?s existing definition of family, the existing definition of something called a ?rooming dwelling,? and the township?s special use permit process.

    ??Family? definitions were shaken up 15 or 20 years ago,? Woodruff said. ?Ours is broad enough to be inclusive.?

    A ?rooming dwelling? is defined as a place that has a family, plus another two unrelated adults.

    ?It?s been in there forever,? Woodruff told members of the planning commission. ?But there was no mechanism for approving one. There was no zoning district where they were permitted.?

    Now, township attorneys will try to draft a proposed ordinance that would allow those two unrelated adults to live in a rented house or apartment with a defined family, if the planning commission OKs a special use permit. A formal approval process would be involved, and the property owner would have to prove that it wouldn?t detract from the surrounding neighborhood.

    These special use permits would be allowed in agricultural areas, as well as in areas with the specific residential zoning of R2A and R2B, which permit single-family homes and duplexes.

    ?This doesn?t take anything that?s not now in violation, and put it into violation,? said Planning Commission Chairman Phil Squattrito.

    Planners don?t expect the new rules to be ready by the time students begin moving back for fall semester at Central Michigan University.

    Mark Ranzenberger is online editor of Follow his Touts @ranzenberger.


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    Senate deal could affect recess appointment case

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Senate's deal to avert a showdown over its internal rules and confirm several long-stalled Obama administration nominees could upend a major case at the Supreme Court, one that would test the president's power to use recess appointments to fill high-level posts.

    The case is shaping up as a major clash between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans over the power granted the president in the Constitution to make temporary appointments to fill positions that otherwise require confirmation by the Senate, but only when the Senate is in recess.

    Obama had sought to overcome Senate Republicans' refusal to allow votes for nominees to the National Labor Relations Board and the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by making recess appointments. Two federal appeals courts have said Obama overstepped his authority because the Senate was not in recess when he acted. Those courts invalidated actions of the NLRB as a result.

    The Supreme Court is set to consider one of those cases around the end of the year, involving a dispute between a Washington state bottling company and a local Teamsters union in which the NLRB sided with the union. The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia overturned the board's ruling.

    But now that the Senate is on the verge of breaking the logjam that led Obama to make the recess appointments in the first place, his administration may find its appetite diminished for a major high court case. That may be especially so because the justices have been more skeptical of Obama's Justice Department than its predecessors and the court's conservative majority has been hostile to union interests.

    The administration would have to ask the court to dismiss the case, although that almost certainly would leave the appeals court decision in place. The Justice Department did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday.

    The justices also might now see less urgency to decide the questions at issue ? what is a recess, when must vacancies occur to be filled through recess appointments and can the president override Congress' own view of what constitutes a recess.

    In some instances, the new NLRB appointees contemplated in the Senate agreement could re-enact some of the earlier decisions, removing any potential taint. The NLRB did just that following a Supreme Court decision in 2010 that invalidated actions taken by only two members of the five-person board. One significant limitation is that the NLRB would have to get judges to relinquish cases currently in the courts.

    "One key aspect of constitutional law is the notion of not deciding unnecessary questions, and it may be that the agreement today provides an avenue for the CFPB and NLRB to revisit their decisions and sidestep the constitutional questions at issue in the Supreme Court's recess appointment case," said Neal Katyal, former acting Solicitor General under Obama.

    The case stems from Obama's decision to fill the three NLRB vacancies on Jan. 4, 2012, with Congress on an extended holiday break. At the same time, however, the Senate held brief, pro forma sessions every few days as part of the Republicans' explicit strategy of keeping Obama from filling vacancies through recess appointments.

    If the justices ratify the lower court ruling, it would make it nearly impossible for a president to use the recess power, giving the opposition party in Congress the ability to block administration nominees indefinitely. And more than 1,600 NLRB decisions could fall in the process.

    Rachel Brand, a senior lawyer with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said she hopes the court decides the case in favor of the bottling company. With hundreds of other legal challenges pending to NLRB decisions, Brand said it "would be a mess to re-litigate" those cases if the justices were to punt on the case before them.

    The head of a think tank that is opposed to the chamber on the recess appointments issue said he also wants the high court to remain in the case and overturn what he sees as a damaging appeals court ruling. "The fact that Congress has now cleared the way for the board to be fully staffed with Senate-confirmed members in no way changes that calculus," said Douglas Kendall, president of the Congressional Accountability Center.

    In addition to the two rulings against Obama recess appointees, three federal appeals courts have upheld recess appointments in previous administrations.

    For all the Democratic complaints about Republican obstruction of the president and GOP anger over Obama recess appointments, the subject is acutely susceptible to changing political fortunes.

    The parties' roles were reversed when a Republican president, George W. Bush, was in the White House and Democrats controlled the Senate in the final two years of his presidency. Then, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid employed the same tactic of convening the Senate every few days to keep Bush from filling vacancies through recess appointments. Unlike Obama, Bush did not press the issue.

    If the Supreme Court doesn't settle it now, the issue could arise again while Obama still is in office. Or the court could await a future president of either party facing a determined Senate opposition.


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    Thursday, July 18, 2013

    Rome: Pope Francis claims atheists are redeemed by Christ

    The debate on who is entitled to the kingdom of heaven is as old as religion, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the ideological lines. Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
    Source/Credit: Latin Post
    By Stefan Lopez | May 22, 2013

    Atheists now have reason to rejoice. In a sermon on Wednesday, Pope Francis stated that one does not have to be a Catholic in order to be redeemed by the sacrifices of Jesus Christ.

    While performing a homily during Wednesday mass in Vatican City, Pope Francis stunned many attendees by making his biggest religious decree so far. Though attempting to emphasize the predominance of doing good as a cornerstone for a person's redemption, his message still caused quite a bit of controversy.

    Vatican Radio first broke news of Pope Francis' eyebrow-raising speech on Wednesday, going into detail over what was said and the context of his message:

    "They complain," the Pope said in his homily, because they say, "If he is not one of us, he cannot do good. If he is not of our party, he cannot do good." And Jesus corrects them: "Do not hinder him, he says, let him do good." The disciples, Pope Francis explains, "were a little intolerant," closed off by the idea of ??possessing the truth, convinced that "those who do not have the truth, cannot do good." "This was wrong . . . Jesus broadens the horizon." Pope Francis said, "The root of this possibility of doing good - that we all have - is in creation."

    Further clarifying his point, Pope Francis continued:
    "The Lord created us in His image and likeness, and we are the image of the Lord, and He does good and all of us have this commandment at heart: do good and do not do evil. All of us. 'But, Father, this is not Catholic! He cannot do good.' Yes, he can... "The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! 'Father, the atheists?' Even the atheists. Everyone!".. We must meet one another doing good. 'But I don't believe, Father, I am an atheist!' But do good: we will meet one another there."

    The debate on who is entitled to the kingdom of heaven is as old as religion, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the ideological lines. One thing that everyone can agree on, however, is that it is a bold claim for the pope to make so early in his time at the Vatican.

    "But rarely do you hear it said by Catholics so forcefully, and with such evident joy. And in this era of religious controversies, it's a timely reminder that God cannot be confined to our narrow categories," observed Father James Martin, S.J.

    Read original post here: Pope Francis Claims Atheists Are Redeemed By Christ

    This content-post is archived for backup and to keep archived records of any news Islam Ahmadiyya. The views expressed by the author and source of this news archive do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Ahmadiyya Times.


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    Wednesday, July 17, 2013

    Have you booked your travel insurance yet? | Grannynet

    [unable to retrieve full-text content]Why book travel insurance? Holidays are what many of us look forward to throughout the year, whether a mini-break away or a longer stay, it is.


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    River Hills Lions golf tournament nets more than $14K

    Lion?s tourney nets more than $14K

    All 18 holes of River Hills Golf Course were simultaneously filled with drives, chips and putts as 118 golfers turned out for the annual River Hills Lion?s Club tournament June 17. At the end of the day, the event raised more than $14,000.

    Evet title sponsor was Eason Roofing. Mike Geddings of Panther Heating and Cooling provided box lunches.

    Among the charities benefiting from the event are River Hills/Lake Wylie EMS, which has been providing fee-free service for more than 30 years.

    Dance Friday in Fort Mill

    The Ballroom Dance Club will hold its dance from 7:30 to 10:20 p.m. Friday, July 19, at the Country Club Golf House, 101 Country Club Drive.

    Members and guests will celebrate July with a Red, White and Blue Dance. Dress code is dressy casual - no jeans- with red, white and blue attire. All adult ages and skill levels are invited. Music by DJ Rich Brausch.

    Dances are alcohol free; non-alcoholic beverages are provided. Call 803-329-5764 or 803-980-4000.

    Lake Wylie Rotary meets Tuesdays

    Lake Wylie Rotary Club meets at the noon Tuesdays at Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, 5220 Crowders Cove Lane.

    Guests are welcome. Lunch, catered by Christopher?s, costs $9.

    For more information, visit

    Sweet Repeat welcomes new members

    Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation has welcomed 25 new members this year and is looking for more.

    Volunteers are needed for two to six hours a month to work at the Sweet Repeat Shop at Lake Wylie Plaza behind Fred?s.

    All proceeds benefit local charities. Club membership applications are being accepted and are available at the store.

    Call 803-831-0225 for more information.

    Join MOMS Club in Lake Wylie

    MOMS Club, a social group serving ZIP codes 29710 and 29745, offers opportunities for moms and children to join together and enjoy fun activities.

    For more information, email or visit and search for ?MOMS Club of Lake Wylie, SC.?

    Women?s club welcomes members

    The Palisades Women?s Club welcomes members.

    This service organization, with more than 80 members, also holds many social events.

    The club meets monthly at Palisades Country Club. Membership is open to Palisades Country Club members, Palisades Sports Club members and Palisades residents. For information, email

    Play bridge Wednesdays at Wylie

    Play bridge Wednesdays at Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, 5220 Crowders Cove Lane.

    For more information or to learn how to play bridge, call 704-995-3190 or 704-995-3193. Visit for more information.

    Art Guild meets monthly

    The Catawba River Art Guild meets at 10 a.m. the second Wednesday of each month at the Arts Council of York County, 121 E. Main St.

    Toastmasters meet in Fort Mill

    Toastmasters offers educational material on such topics as overcoming the fear of speaking and giving advanced speeches such as roasts.

    The Fort Mill chapter meets at 6:30 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, 292 Munn Road. Call 803-493-9048.

    Prostate cancer support available

    In conjunction with the American Cancer Society Columbia office, Marvin Smith of Fort Mill provides ACS Man-to-Man prostate cancer support in the York County area. If you have been diagnosed with or treated for prostate cancer, call 802-0903 or email

    Send club news and photos to Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday prior to intended Tuesday publication date.


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    The Cats' House in San Diego closes, cats go east (Providence Journal)

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    Tuesday, July 16, 2013

    Britain's gone crazy ? royal baby crazy

    As Kate and William await their big day, royal baby eccentricities abound.

    By Jeremy Ravinsky,?Correspondent / July 10, 2013

    Police officers talk to royal supporter Terry Hutt today outside St. Mary's Hospital Lindo Wing in London, as he arrives to stake his place outside the building where Prince William and his wife Kate are expecting their first child to be born in mid-July.

    Sang Tan/AP


    As Catherine Middleton and her husband, Prince William, prepare in private for the imminent arrival of their first child, it appears as though the rest of the country ? and even some outside it ? has gone royal baby crazy.

    Skip to next paragraph Jeremy Ravinsky


    Jeremy Ravinsky is an intern at the Christian Science Monitor's international desk. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, Jeremy has lived in Boston for a number of years, attending Tufts University where he is a political science major. Before coming to the Monitor, Jeremy interned at GlobalPost in Boston and in Belgrade, Serbia.

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    Jewel-encrusted baby gifts, betting on names, royal baby-themed crackers ? these are just a few of the various eccentricities that have abounded in recent weeks as the world watches with bated breath for Britain?s future monarch.

    Bets have been running for weeks now on all things related to the upcoming birth, from the sex and name of the baby to even the day it will happen. According to The Week, bookmakers are currently saying tomorrow, Thursday July 11, is most likely to be the big day.

    And though the sex of the baby is still unknown ? the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge?prefer to be surprised ? a surge of interest has pushed Alexandra to the fore. Other girls' names in the running include Victoria and Diana, reports the Telegraph. The most widely speculated boy's name is that of Kate?s younger brother, James.

    The child will be given the title Prince or Princess of Cambridge. But regardless of gender, he or she will be third in line for the throne, since Parliament passed a law mandating that a female heir cannot be overtaken by a younger male relative.

    Gamblers aren?t the only ones spending money on the royal baby. Sudocrem, which makes skin care creams,?has commissioned British jewelry designer Theo Fennell to design a jewel-studded charm bracelet that also serves as a diaper-rash-cream holder for Kate, reports Headlines and Global News. The bracelet costs a reported $15,000.

    And that's just one of the gifts the royal couple has received. As HNGN continues:

    So far, Kate Middleton and Prince William have received everything from a cardboard box from the Finnish government to a knitted kangaroo from Australia's [former] Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and a crate of organic baby food. PETA gifted the Duke and Duchess a faux-sheepskin baby blanket complete with a little stuffed animal giraffe, and Finnish social security service, Kela, sent the new parents a "baby box" that contains rompers, leggings, a hooded bath towel, hairbrush, diaper rash cream, a picture book, a snowsuit, teething toy and ... condoms!

    Other than gifts, Kate and William can expect a deluge of unsolicited advice from the public. According to the Telegraph, parenting website Mumsnet has asked its readers to tweet advice to the soon-to-be mother using the hashtag ?#tips4kate.? The best tweets will be compiled and published in a book that will be sent to the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge.

    Some of the advice, however, has come from an unlikely source. Nicole ?Snooki? Polizzi, former star of reality TV show ?The Jersey Shore? and recent mother, has posted a public letter offering her advice to Kate, reports CBS. Here?s what she had to say:

    "In the beginning, right when you take your royal golden nugget home to the castle is the most exciting experience of your life. I couldn't wait to wake up in the middle of the night to take care of my little prince Lorenzo."

    "But that lasts for about a few days. Then it's like, 'I love you but OMG stop crying! I'm exhausted.' The lack of sleep you will get used to -- just do your makeup, put a tiara on, and you'll look beautiful as usual," she added.

    At least the royal couple will not be the only recipients of baby-related goods. According to the Huffington Post, the Royal Mint will be distributing silver coins to all children born on the same day as the royal baby. Only a limited amount?? 2,013 coins?? will be minted though, so new parents will have to act fast in order to get one.?

    The baby will be born at St. Mary's Hospital in London, where both William and his brother Prince Harry were born.


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    Cartel leader with Dallas ties nabbed in Mexico border city


    WFAA Border Bureau

    Posted on July 15, 2013 at 6:45 PM

    Updated today at 9:16 PM

    EL PASO ? The leader of the notorious Zetas drug cartel is in custody in Mexico after an intense manhunt.

    Mexican marines captured Miguel Trevino Morales in Nuevo Laredo on the Texas border, ending a reign of terror.

    The face of Trevino Morales appeared to be bruised and battered in a booking photo obtained by the WFAA Border Bureau following the Zeta leader's capture.

    Mexican marines cornered the man also known as "40" near Nuevo Laredo, the Zetas' base of operation.

    He spent his teenage years in Dallas, and was arrested in Dallas County in 1993 trying to evade police, but only paid a fine.

    Many of his family members lived in the Dallas area, and Trevino Morales allegedly recruited teens in Texas to help the cartel.

    A 2008 indictment charged him and others with moving marijuana, cocaine, drugs and cash between Nuevo Laredo and Dallas.

    It was on the streets of Nuevo Laredo that Trevino Morales rose through the ranks from gang member to cartel leader. Unlike the original Zetas, he did not have a military background.

    Trevino Morales' territory included the region bordering South Texas, where the Zetas clashed violently with their former allies in the Gulf cartel over control of the Interstate 35 smuggling corridor.

    Officials predict a spike in violence in the Nuevo Laredo border area as the Gulf cartel tries to take advantage of the power vacuum to move into Zeta territory.

    Now that the long manhunt is over, Trevino Morales faces charges for drug trafficking, money laundering and murder on both sides of the border.

    The U.S. had offered a $5 million reward and Mexico $2 million for information leading to his arrest.



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