Friday, October 18, 2013

Say it ain’t so! Bill Ayers uninvited to Madison, Wis. meet-and-greet because nobody cares

Bill Ayers Bill Ayers

These kids today! What’s the matter with them?

Man, when Bill Ayers was a college student and then a full-fledged terrorist with the notorious Weather Underground, things were different. There was a movement.

Now, the unrepentant criminal and violent radical can’t even fill a sorry little reception held in his honor — even in the leftist hothouse of Madison, Wis.

Ayers had been scheduled to appear on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the Overture Center in downtown Madison for an “author meet-and-greet” as part of the Madison Public Library’s Wisconsin Book Festival. However, reports the Wisconsin Reporter, organizers were forced to call off the hour-long hobnobbing event.

A staffer for the Madison Public Library Foundation told the Reporter that the schmoozing session was canceled because locals “didn’t have the kind of interest” organizers had hoped for.

Tickets for an intimate hour that nobody wanted to spend with the communist revolutionary had been offered free to the proletariat for $25 each.

The Weather Underground co-founder did apparently appear later on Thursday for a 7 presentation — also at the at the Overture Center — to plug his new book, “Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident.”

This later-scheduled event was offered at no charge and was open to the public.

Ayers’ latest book about himself describes his disappointment with America after his friendship with Barack Obama became a focus of controversy during the 2008 Democratic primary and subsequent general election.

Last week on the campus of the University of Chicago event, Ayers said he was “amazed” to be “cast as some kind of public enemy” just because he had been a domestic terrorist in the 1960s and 1970s. (RELATED: Former terrorist Bill Ayers speaks about palling around with Obama)

Ayers, the son of a former CEO of Commonwealth Edison, was a leader of the Weather Underground when the group conducted a series of bombings of banks, the United States Capitol, the Pentagon and some police stations. He was a leader during the Days of Rage in 1969, which cost taxpayers in Chicago and the state of Illinois about $183,000. That’s over $1.13 million in today’s dollars.

Ayers was also a Weather Underground member in 1970 when three spectacularly incompetent colleagues of his died in a Greenwich Village townhouse explosion trying to make a nail bomb. The bomb was going to be used at a dance for noncommissioned officers and their dates on an Army base in Fort Dix, N.J.

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